I started learning about herbs and their uses in traditional first aid and home wellness practices when I became a mom. My daughter caught her first cold when she was only 5 weeks old, and I was surprised to read that most of the “infant” medicine I’d dutifully stock-piled wasn’t safe to use before she was six months old. That got me reading, and reading more, and before I knew it, I was the nutty lady at the park approaching a stranger freaking out over a bee sting with a handful of weeds, saying, “chew this up and spit it on the sting.” (The weed, by the way, is plantain, and it is amazing on bee stings.) Knowledge, people. It’s a slippery slope from “that lady at the dinner party was fascinating!” to “that lady at the park was weird.” But I digress.

A note about all of the information on this site: Use your common sense, y’all. I’m not a doctor. The information on this website has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. If you’ve got a medical condition, please seek appropriate help. If you, too, are curious about the things that plants can do in our bodies, think back to the research skills you learned in high school and check a few different trusted sources (books, y’all, not just blogs by whackadoo moms who try to stick chewed up leaves on strangers at the park).

Stay well, friends.